Friday, July 22, 2016

The Lost Coast: Day 2, July 7, 2016

We woke to sun and clear skies on our second morning. Though we had 10 miles to go there was not a rushed feeling. None of the 10 miles were in a tide zone so we didn't have a tidal schedule to keep. Some of us slept in, others just took their time packing up. It was a nice relaxing morning. It helped that we had very little dew during the night and our equipment was dry as we packed up. Gav and I both had a breakfast of what we believe to be the finest freeze-dried breakfast meal on the market: Mountain House Biscuits and Gravy. At $6 it is one of the cheapest freeze-dried meals on the market and you can't beat the taste and the pleasantly full feeling you are left with after devouring such a treat on the trail. I am not a big breakfast eater on the trail -- typically I eat a handful of granola and dried fruit, at the most a Cliff or ProBar -- but I do save time during one morning for this special breakfast. As it turned out, I would be thankful for the extra boost of energy it gave me on the trail that day.

 Back on the trail. We have 10 miles to go to our next campsite at Big Flat Creek.

 For the most part we could find somewhat hard ground, though it slipped into soft sand or rock from time to time.

 A quick break a half-mile in.

 As we hiked we were constantly moving up and down the beach looking for that sweet spot of hard sand.

 At times the trail moved off the beach onto the higher ground of the bluffs above. The switch wasn't always noticeable and you really had to keep your eyes peeled for trail junctions.

On the tip of Spanish Flat.

 Lunch break at Oak Creek.

 Near the southern edge of Spanish Flat. This trail takes us back to the beach for another stint on the sand. The cabin ahead looked lived in and would have been a nice get-away from everything.

 A dead starfish with a semi-live sea slug.

 The southern tip of Spanish Flat. Around the bend ahead we would begin a short climb up and over a few hills then down to Big Flat.

A dead seagull.

 The remains of a fire that had burned through a few years before.

 A message for my wife.

This section sucked, but it got worse a mile south.

 Just before we reached the northern tip of Big Flat the trail took us high onto a ridge above the beach. We found these guys foraging in the bushes.

 This guy couldn't decide which side of the trail he wanted to be on. Finally he jumped behind the bush on the left and made his way up the hill.

 After what seemed a very long walk we came out of the hills and onto the bluff known as Big Flat.

 Big Flat. Our next campsite is around the bend.

 This section of the Lost Coast Trail is actually an airstrip, notice the orange air sock on the left. A nice house sits to the left of the trail and the owners will fly people in to this stretch for a nice chunk of cash.

 The marker I have been looking for over the last 2 miles. This tells me our campsite, and the end of our day, is less than half a mile away.

 Right around the corner is the start of the campsites surrounding Big Flat Creek.

 Big Flat Creek. Just over 10 miles from where we started that morning. That leaves only 4 and half miles to go tomorrow.

 My campsite for the night.

Morning, Friday, July 8. We had spent the previous day wishing for fog so we had a chance to get out of the sun. Today our wish was granted.

Packing up. Today we had 4.5 miles to go, almost all through a tidal zone. Luckily, we were starting an hour before low tide and had more than enough time to complete our hiking for the day.

 Emily, one of our two girl Ventures on the trip, packs up for the next leg.

 Evan, the oldest on the trip, and usually the last to wake up, starts to take down his tent.

 With only 4.5 miles to go there was a kind of excitement in the camp, but no rush to pack up.

 Dean Mar takes down the tent while his son Tyler watches.

 Gavin packed up and ready to move out. He was as excited as the rest of us to see the fog come in.

We say goodbye to Big Flat Creek and head out for our next and last campsite, Gitchell Creek.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Lost Coast: Day 1, July 6, 2016

Some wilderness areas are so amazing that words cannot start to do the descriptions justice. The Lost Coast is one of those rare finds. I will write another blog soon on how to organize a trip, but for now just enjoy the photographs we brought back. This blog is labeled as day 1, but includes photos from our first night at Mattole River Campground (we would begin hiking the trail the next morning) and a few from our second morning on the trail. I will add Days 2,3 and 4 very soon.

 Tuesday, July 5, 2016. After a six hour drive from Sacramento up I-5, West on 20 through Clear Lake, up 101 through Willits, the Redwoods and up to Garberville we arrive at Black Sands Beach, the end point of our 4-day hike.

 A nice monument at the trailhead.

 My younger son Gavin (age 17) and at a overlook of Black Sands Beach.

We check our gear as we wait for our shuttle to arrive. 

 The first shuttle arrives. We hired two shuttle to transport us and our gear another 45 miles (2 hours of driving time) to the trailhead at Mattole River. We used shuttles from Mendo Insider Tours ( because they were the only company we found able to transport a group of 15. We were extremely pleased with the service. Both shuttles arrived within 20 minutes of each other, the drivers were very nice and personable and gave us tips on the hike to come.

The small town of Honeydew. We are about 30 minutes away from the trailhead at Mattole Beach.

 The Lost Coast North Trailhead, Mattole River Campground, July 5, 2016.

My son Gavin getting ready for dinner.

Our campsite for the night.

On the trail.

An archeological garbage dump: The remains of a shell midden left by the local Mattole Indian Tribe. This midden is believed to be over 1,000 years old.
The trail opens up into nice loose sand.
 We start to move off the beach and into the bluffs above.

 Parts of the trail were overgrown since a lot of hikers stick to the beach.

 the fog was nice to have, but it burned off quickly leaving a searing sun behind.

 Back on the beach.

 Our first view of the Punta Gorda Lighthouse. It is the tiny spec in the center of the photo. We have almost completed 3 miles.

 The Punta Gorda Lighthouse, our first stop of the day.

Backcountry houses left over from the lighthouse days. One had recent construction done.

 Fourmile Creek.

 Sea Lions swimming and playing in a deep tide pool. To the left Elephant Seals are laying on the beach a short 50 feet from the trail.

 The Punta Gorda Lighthouse.

 The stairs are not stable and not attached to the wall or any other support. So we climbed up anyway.

 Yes, that opening is as small as it looks. I barely fit my shoulders through.

 The beach below the lighthouse. A wrecked navigational buoy to the right and elephant seals to the left.

A closer view of the sea lions in the tide pool and the elephant seals on the beach.

 Leaving the lighthouse behind and continuing to our next stop: Cooksie Creek.

The beach gets rocky, but still passable. This is still low tide.

A washed up fishing buoy.

Found this guy almost by accident. A washed up octopus. This is larger than my head.

Sea Lion Gulch: The end of the road. This avalanche happened a few years ago and now blocks the beach. There is a trail to the left that takes us up and over to the other side. We are 2 miles away from Cooksie Creek and our final stop for the day.

The trail cuts in then up. You can just the trail marker (or ducks) on the large rock in the center of the photo. The trail switchbacks up the cut on the right.

Looking back. I was a bit ahead of our group, scouting the trail ahead. It is still low tide but the tide is slowly coming in. Today we were lucky, the tide was only at 6 feet, so the beach, for the most part, would remain passable.

Trail markers, or ducks. We climbed about 70 feet before heading back down the other side.

We reach Cooksie Creek, and our campsite for the night. We have hiked just over 7 miles on rock and sand.

 Cooksie Creek looking toward the Pacific. Hiking in as we did you don't see the opening until you are almost right on it. The water is about knee deep, and very cool and soothing. One of the first things I did was take off my boots, slipped on my water shoes and sat down in the pool for a nice soak.

 Morning, 6:30 AM. They came straight down the hill across from camp.

 Our campsite for the night, complete with bench and table for our stove.

 The King's Range in the background.

 Gavin is not a morning person. And yes, we both fit in the tent along with our gear.

 A view of our camp from the "latrine." We had to climb a rather steep hill to get to a place far enough away from the water.

Low tide. We have a tad over 10 miles to hike today.