Sunday, June 30, 2013

B-17 Crash Site: Post I, June 8, 2013

In Scouting every Troop holds an annual planning conference once per year to determine the calendar of outings and events for the following year.  During a specific time of year all the scouts in the Troop get together and develop a wish list of places and/or things they want to do over the course of the next year.  This list various greatly from the extreme (such as skydiving in swim trunks over Disneyland) to the mediocre (I want to go camping...)  Once the SPL (Senior Patrol Leader) has his list he then turns it over to the Scoutmaster for consideration.  The Scoutmaster schedules a meeting with all of the ASMs (Assistant Scoutmasters), the troop committee chair, and the SPL and ASPL (Assistant Senior Patrol Leader). This meeting is known as the Troop Annual Planning Conference.

Every Troop has their own unique way of organizing their annual planning.  In Troop 136 we ask the scouts to turn in their list by June 1 of each year, with the conference scheduled for the second week of that month. During the conference the adult and scout leadership go over the selections and determine what is feasible, what is plain nuts (skydiving over Disneyland), and what we might be able to pull off (the somewhat crazy in-between).

One of the more popular type of outing that the Troop organizes every few years is a bush-whack.  This is where we find a place, usually up in the Sierras off the I-80 or US 50 corridors, and take the scouts off-trail in country where they have to rely on their orienteering skills in order to find their designated campsites (please don't worry -- we have done this many times and have always brought back at least a piece of all our scouts :-)

Sure enough, as our Scoutmaster went down the list the scouts had added the term "bush whack" to the many types of adventures they wanted to have.  Now, in a perfect world the scouts would have qualified this with a "bush whack to..., or "bush whack in so-and-so national forest."  Considering the scouts range from ages 12 to 18 we are happy enough that they tell us, in some form of teen-speak, what it is they want to do.  The rest of it is simply brainstorming and seeing how much trouble our own adolescent minds (by the way, one of of the prerequisites of becoming an ASM is that your sense of adventure must be on par with - or at least equal to - the average 17-year-old.)

The trick to designing a bush whack is keeping it new, interesting and very different from the last one.  Which is why we only schedule one every two or three years.  This way, the younger guys hear about the last one from the older scouts, and we keep it fresh for the older guys who tend to think that once they survived one, the next will be a piece of cake.

The last time we had organized a serious bush whack trip was three years before, so we were due for another. The last one took place near Carr Lake, in the Lakes Basin area off Hwy 20 and I-80.  Using Carr Lake as a base camp, we sent pairs of scouts 15 minutes apart on a cross-country course up toward their final destination at Crooked Lakes.  All of the scout pairs got lost at least once, somehow made it to their correct campsites, survived a night in the rain without tents, and came back with a virtual treasure chest of stories to tell.

Now it was time to do it again...

I had read somewhere about a crashed B-17 that was located in the Sierras.  I mentioned the fact and one of our newer ASMs, Tom Moore, jumped on it.  The outing that developed is his brainchild and I am positive it will go down in the history of the troop as one of the greatest outings of all time...

Working with a few of our older scouts, Tom was able to create an outing plan that not only challenged our scouts physically and mentally, but threw in a bit of previously unknown military history as well.

After several months of preparation and research a day trip was organized for a handful of ASMs and older scouts to head up to the crash location and see if we could successfully locate the wreckage.  On June 8 we left temperatures of 108 in Sacramento for the cooler 90 degree temp of the Sierras.  By 11 AM we were on site and began our search for the wreckage.

 ***A quick note about the research we did in the months before this outing.  Tom spent a lot of time talking to people he knew who had been up there and searching the web for any information he could find.  From what we could tell, the way our hike developed was much different than the path taken by others to the crash site.  Since half the fun is doing your own research and finding your own way to the site I will leave the trail descriptions rather vague.  If you would like more information, especially in coordinating a troop outing in the same area we organized ours please send me a note.***

The parking lot at the trail-head was much larger than we expected and I noted that our troop, or any troop for that matter, could easily prepare a car camp at the location.  After walking less than 10 minutes we came to a large clearing that could easily be used as backpack camp or even portable base camp for large unit activities.  Beyond the clearing we followed the trail for another mile before we came to the spot where we needed to work our way cross country.  Taking a bearing on our compasses and double checking our GPS we stepped off the trail and into wild country.

Bush whack time...
My son Gavin taking a break off-trail.
Scouts double checking their maps?
On the way to the crash site.

After a few minor misadventures we arrived at the right wing crash site in less than 20 minutes.  It is hard to describe the build up of excitement that went through me as we got closer and closer and then finally glimpsed the glint of sun on metal through the trees.  The three lead scouts shouted then broke into a run as they saw the wreckage laid out on the forest floor.  I stepped into the clearing and saw the massive piece of wreckage for the first time.  It is one thing to look up internet sites and examine photos taken by others but it is quite another to be there yourself looking upon the twisted metal that has lain there for over 70 years.

The right wing crash site.
Me at the main crash site.
The propeller housing.

Each of us gave a moment of silence then we all broke into excited cheers and photo taking as we began to go over the site.  After 15 minutes we had calmed down enough to break out the maps and start searching for the tail section.  With new confidence we marched off into the forest thinking that this wasn't going to be so hard after all...

On the way to the tail section...this isn't so bad.

We quickly found our way blocked by some of the thickest and roughest terrain in the Sierras.  Only by sheer determination did we manage to find our away across a foliage choked creek crossing and almost impenetrable tree filled gully.  Once across and on the other side we were faced with a very steep ridge-line. It was at this point some of us were wondering if it was even worth bringing the troop this far.  The scouts made up our minds for us and continued on, climbing half way up the ridge then making their own trail across as they searched for the tail wreckage.  Their spirit paid off and they found the crash site within ten minutes.

Gavin crossing the gully.
It's where?
The tail section.

This section of the plane is hands down the most difficult site to get to.  Just by looking at the crash site it is easy to make the assumption that not many searchers get this far.  There is wreckage all over, from the large tail section to smaller pieces of finger-sized aluminum.  The decision was made then that this section of the crash site would be made optional for those scouts who thought themselves hearty enough to make the trip.

The tail section.

An interesting note about the tail section: this aircraft is a pre-WWII plane.  It has the original star-emblem of the Army Air Corps before it was changed after the United States entered the war on Dec 8, 1941.  The emblem on the tail section just happened to land at an angle, with the star facing down.  This has protected the emblem from the elements and even though the wreckage is over 70-years-old, the emblem on the tail section is as clear as day.

Gavin and I at the tail section. You can see the star emblem just behind us.

Leaving the tail section we made our way back to the main wreckage and reoriented our maps for the last part of our search: the left wing.  According to our information the left wing was within 200 yards of the main crash site.  We spread out and within 10 minutes we were all gathered at the left wing.  Not that this is was the easiest section to find.  If we hadn't known to look for the wing wreckage we never would have known it was there.  This is the smallest of the three sites, but no less powerful.  The smaller wing section lies on the forest floor, nearly forgotten by time in a place that is so obvious but mostly ignored.

Searching for the left wing.
It should be right over here...
Gavin searching for the left wing.
The left wing crash site.

As before we quickly searched the area and took our notes and photos.  Options and ideas were discussed for the upcoming troop outing and we made our way back to the trail-head.  There was no doubt in my mind that this outing was going to be the best of the year...

ASM Tom Moore, far right, talking with the scouts about troop outing options.


Two websites gave us the most information about the crash site and a starting point on where to find the wreckage.


There are other websites out there but these were the most helpful.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Mount Saint Helena Rim of the Bay Hike, March 15-17, 2013

In our Troop it is all about the patches.  Scouts and adults alike will do just about anything for a patch.  We will jump into cold freezing water at six in the morning for the right to earn the coveted Polar Bear patch. At Camp Wolfeboro I even stuffed an ice cream bar down my throat fast enough to stimulate a brain freeze so I could earn their special Iceman patch.

Bottom line: if there is a patch for it we will find a way to earn it...

Now each council has specific patches that can be earned for various hikes/treks within their boundaries. For example here in Golden Empire, scouts and scouters can earn any of the five of the Folsom Lake Trek patches ( ), the Sacramento Historic Trail and the Sacramento Historic train patch (, just to name a few.

The San Francisco Bay Area Council sponsors a series of patches called Rim Rovers ( these are a series of six hikes that will take you to the top of the tallest mountains in the bay area.

On March 15, 2013 the Troop headed out to Bothe-Napa Valley State Park near the town of Calistoga to hike Mount Saint Helena, one of the above mentioned six hikes that are part of the Rim of the Bay Patch series.  The mountain itself is located 15 miles away from Calistoga in Robert Louis Stevenson State Park, but Bothe-Napa Valley is the closest campground. If possible, you want to reserve the group campsite, it is one of the nicest group sites I have ever stayed there is a trail that runs right through the camp that takes you to the Pioneer Cemetery a few hundred yards away.  It makes for an interesting night hike...

If you are unable to reserve the group site, then the park also offers an interesting Yurt option for those that want to try something different...

My bedroll at the Bothe-Napa Valley Group Campground.
ASM and Associate Crew Adviser Emily Malcolm ready to hike.

The morning of Saturday March 16 saw us heading out early to the trail-head, about 20 minutes away.  Once there our appointed scout leaders quickly took a head count and got us into marching order.  Now, there are two ways to start this hike, the "fun way" and the other way, both which involve going up hill.  But the "fun way" is a very steep, mile-and-a-half climb where you are pulling yourself up by grabbing onto trees and doing just a little bit of rock climbing.  To find the "fun way" up, head towards the marked trail-head, then veer off slightly to the left.  You will see an unmarked trail going up.  This is the "fun way..."

Otherwise, continue to the right and you will see the "official" trail-head marker.  It is still going up, but not nearly as fun...

Scouts organizing at the trail-head.

Needless to say, we went up the fun way...

A cave that we found going up the "fun way."
ASM Craig Chalmers and scouts locate a geocache along the fun route.

After a fun, I mean, hike...we hit the main fire road (the majority of the trail is nothing more than exposed fire road.) The slope lessened and it was easier going, though it still meant we were hiking up... We took our first break at a place known as Bubble Rock, named so because of the bubbles that can be seen in the rock face.

Bubble Rock
My son Austin (left), me and my younger son Gavin (right) at Bubble Rock.

At Bubble Rock my older son Austin, who was the acting Senior Patrol Leader for the outing, went around and made sure all the scouts and adults were drinking water.  Even though it was March the temperature was in the high 80s and it was easy to find yourself dehydrated.  As a precaution Austin carried an extra gallon of water in his pack to assure that no one ran short on water.  I must say, he was very dedicated to refill water bottles at every rest stop...

From left: ASM Emily Malcolm, ASM Craig Chalmers, and myself on the trail.
Even if the trail was a boring looking fire road the view out was amazing...

One danger in hiking with younger scouts is having them fall to the way side with the sinking feeling that they can't continue, that the trail is simply too tough.  One nice thing about this hike was that the scouts were able to hike in groups and played verbal games that kept their minds off the fact that they were slowly moving upwards with every step.  Austin did his part by moving back and forth between the various hiking groups and demonstrated scout leadership by encouraging the younger guys to keep going. Considering that this was a 10-mile round trip that was no easy task...

Austin with a first year scout on his first 10-mile hike.

Around the 3-mile mark the road levels out in a saddle between three different peaks.  I have read various blogs about this section that describe this portion as confusing and easy to lose the main trail.  To find the true summit is simple, keep following the widest section of trail until it simply ends and doesn't go any further.  You will see branches of the fire road continue up towards various peaks where you can see communications towers.  Just keep going until the section you are on disappears over the edge of a cliff.  Simple...

A little further on is a small grove of trees.  Enjoy this spot.  Aside from the early trail this is the only shade on the mountain.  After passing this spot you will see the final steep (and I do mean steep -- the kind of steepness that leaves you cursing every dumb act you have ever committed; leaves your legs quaking, your breath ragged, and makes you look for that soft bed of pine needles so you can take a well deserved mid-morning siesta) climb to the summit of Saint Helena.

On the summit there is room to stretch and enjoy a somewhat comfy seat.  Most of the younger scouts headed towards the sunny rock outcropping overlooking the valley below.  Those of us a little older and wiser grabbed a shady spot in the lee of the communications shack.  One nice benefit of being a part of a large troop is that there are always scouts working on their hiking and cooking merit badges.  This means there are always scouts experimenting on various trail lunches.  On this hike we munched on Asian chicken salad wrapped in flour tortillas, canned pink salmon with a dill dip, various dried fruits, energy gels and Cliff bars.

Me enjoying Asian chicken salad with tortillas.
ASM Emily Malcolm enjoying her trail lunch.
Gavin learned a long time ago that when it is time to relax, you might as well as relax the right way...

After eating my fill (for some reason I always eat better on these hikes than I do at home) we slowly got up  off our behinds and started to explore the area. Standing at the edge of the summit gave me the same unique feeling I always have when looking at the views below: it starts with a sense of victory at overcoming nature's challenges once again, a type of euphoria that gives me a rush like no other; then the that little Irish baktaq of a leprechaun starts whispering in my ear, "You're not done yet..."

And the little bugger was right -- we still have to go down...

On the way down from the summit.

The troop split into two groups: the larger group headed by Austin headed straight down, determined not to stop until hitting the parking lot.  The second, and smaller group decided they were going to do some geocaching on the way down.  Led by ASM Craig Chalmers (who is also the Geocaching Merit Badge Counselor) this group found several hard-to-get-to geocaches during the 5-mile trip off the mountain.

The hike down was uneventful, other than the fact that we traveled another half-mile further down the fire road from where we came in and caught the normal trail down instead of trying to climb down our "fun way."  This led us past the small memorial to Robert Louis Stevenson and down a series of easy to navigate switchbacks that deposited us back at the trail-head.

We arrived back in camp a little after five, just in time to start dinner preparations.  On this trip I have to admit that I was very lucky to be sharing my grub with ASM Emily Malcolm.  She made the best BBQ ribs and fire-roasted bake potato dinner I have ever had on a scout outing.  And the steamed broccoli she made was to die for -- I still don't know how she managed that over live coals...I can say that the meal was so good I had to growl a bit to keep back circling scouts.

Emily Malcolm cooking her great rib and baked potato dinner.
Gavin relaxing in camp.
Scoutmaster Bill Heberger (left) and ASM Craig Chalmers enjoying their salmon dinner.

After dinner there was a short down time, then on to our traditional campfire program led by one of our older Life Scouts.  I stayed up for a while playing a card game with some of the scouts then crawled into my bed roll for a good night's sleep.  I had a lot of fun on this trip and I am already thinking about when I can come back and tackle the mountain again...

Gavin cooking bacon over an open fire for Sunday breakfast.

Bothe-Napa Valley State Park:

Robert Louis Stevenson State Park:

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Military Vehicle Technology Foundation and Black Mountain Backpack Trip December 15, 2012.

One of our more interesting outings took place last December at the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation in Menlo Park.  Now, December is always a tough time to schedule a troop outing because of the holidays and school vacation schedules.  In the past we have typically done day outings either into San Francisco or day hikes around Sacramento.  In 2012 we had the chance to do something a little different.

At a Patrol Leaders Council nearly a year before one of our scouts told us about the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation and if we could somehow arrange a trip there as an official scout outing.  The Foundation is located in Menlo Park and according to it's website ( it has the largest collection of military technology in the world.  Everyone, scouts and adults alike, took an immediate interest and we started trying to fit this into the troop schedule.  Right away we discovered that the biggest issue we had was finding a place to camp that was close by.  Menlo Park is a residential area of the Bay area with no campgrounds.  With no camping option we moved the trip to December as a day trip.

Then one of our ASMs hit pay dirt.  Just a few miles away from the Foundation was the Monte Bello Open Space Preserve (, which hosted the Black Mountain Backpack Camp.  Typically, this place is booked solid since it is the only backpack camp on the west side of the Bay, but since our trip was planned for December we had no problems getting reservations.  Even better was the description for the camp:  it was described as a easy 1.5 mile hike with a 500 foot elevation gain from the parking lot to the camp.   We were excited to finally be able to combine a December day outing with an overnight component.

Crew Adviser Michael Sullivan with my son Austin (in the back with the white sweatshirt) and two other Crew members in a WWII Jeep.
A German Mark IV Panzer: this tank was rescued from a swamp it had sunk in during the Rommel Blitz into France.

Early in the morning of December 15, 2012 the Troop and Crew started out for Menlo Park and the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation.  The drive was uneventful except for the final few miles to the Foundation.  We found ourselves in a very upscale neighborhood and began to question the directions we had been given.  We pulled up to an elaborate gate that boasted the address we were looking for, but we were still unsure that we were in the right place.  At the appointed time the gates opened and after we drove through we started to see tanks and other military style vehicles parked alongside the road.  We were in the right place.

I won't go into detail about the tour other than to say that you will be amazed at what they have on the property and it will bring back memories of every military war film ever made.  The tour goes through five very large buildings that are crammed shoulder to shoulder with restored vehicles from almost every nation on the planet.

Russian T-72 Tank
Me with my sons Austin (left) and Gavin (right).
Yes, that is a SCUD Missile Launcher.

As the tour ended and those of us continuing on to Black Mountain climbed into our vehicles the rain started to fall.  We were hoping for a late rain but if it came early, that was alright with us.  The initial hope we had was that the rain would come early and finish before our hike up the mountain.  That was not to be...

When we reached the trailhead off Page Mill Road the rain was really coming down.  The more experienced ASMs and scouts took this opportunity to eat lunch and wait for the rain to die down.  The newer ASMs and younger scouts kept one eye on the skies and had the secret hope of somebody calling off this crazy expedition.  After 30 minutes it was decided that the rain wasn't going to get any lighter so we pulled on our packs and our ponchos and headed out on the trail.

Now, a few comments about the trail to the Black Mountain Backpack Camp.  During normal, springtime conditions where the sky is blue, the temperature is a balmy 80 degrees and a nice breeze blows through just often enough to cool the sweat on your brow, this would be a nice and easy stroll in the park.  In December, with your feet sinking into the mud with each step, the rain hitting you first from one side and then the other, and with hungry looking stag deer eyeing you like you are a prime rib dinner (we were actually followed up the mountain by 4 very large stags) then it is an endurance slog up 3 miles of trail (not the 1.5 miles as stated in the brochure) and a climb of over 1,500 feet (not the easy 500 feet previously mentioned) before reaching the backpack camp just a quarter mile from the summit.

Once reaching the camp it was a final effort of setting up tents, warming up food, and securing ourselves for an early night of rain and wind which did not let up until the wee wee hours of the morning.

By 6 AM we started to stir from our tents and view the landscape around us.  The rain and wind had stopped and an eerie calm had descended on the mountain.  We climbed out of our tents and started to explore the area.  A few scouts and adults fired up backpacking stoves for hot water and coffee.  The younger scouts looked around in amazement that they were still alive.

On the plain looking into the camp.
                                                         Gavin crawling from his tent.
                                         From left: me, ASM Craig Chalmers, ASM Dean Mar.

After a warm breakfast of hot chocolate, pop tarts and instant oatmeal we covered the last quarter mile to the summit of Black Mountain.  The low clouds and ragged rocks made it look like we were in the Scottish Highlands.  On the way back to camp a few of the scouts searched for and found a geocache that was located near the summit.

                                                               Gavin at the summit.
                                    ASM Craig Chalmers discussing geocaching with the scouts.

The way down went a little quicker, though the packs were heavy with wet tents and other gear, and the footing was a little tricky in some places, but otherwise the hike out was uneventful.  The weather held long enough for us to make it back to the trail-head and change into dry clothes.  All in all a great winter backpacking trip and the younger scouts learned how to tough it out on the trail and make the best of bad weather situations.  I would like to try it again during the winter, only without the wind and the rain, maybe a nice cold overcast day....

The junction of Canyon Trail and Bella Vista Trail.

Gavin with two other scouts at the trail head Sunday morning.

***A note about the Trail Map: The Official Trail Map will not help until you reach the Canyon Trail.  There are trails branching off from the parking lot that are not on the map.  All I can suggest is that you explore and follow some of the trails heading in the right direction.  The Canyon and Bella Vista Trails are well marked beyond that point.***
